Wednesday, July 2, 2014

I Make a List

Top 10 Things I Didn’t Know About Raising Two Kids


When I was pregnant with my second son I scoured the internet for articles that would calm the fears I had about raising two children. Would my oldest feel neglected? Would I manage two different nap schedules? Was I insane for choosing to have two children? I am happy to say that having two children has been a wonderful experience but I definitely have learned a lot of things first hand that the articles never told me.


1.Your oldest child will not hate you for having another baby. In fact your oldest child will probably be very uninterested in the baby unless the baby is crying. At which point they will sit on the couch with hands over their ears pretending they can’t hear you ask to give baby a pacifier.


2.Your oldest child will remember every toy or article or clothing or blanket that once belonged to them and will insist baby doesn’t use it. I expected this issue but I had fooled myself into believing it would occur once baby could walk. I was unprepared for my oldest to hide all of the baby blankets when baby was a month old because they were my oldest’s blankets at one point.


3. Your laundry will quadruple because of this little person. You think it was bad when your laundry exploded from a two person to three person home? Just wait until there’s another baby. I still haven’t figured out the universal law of how one little creature can turn my two load per day schedule into a four load per laundry schedule.


4. Your new baby will know how to get your attention. I naively believed that my youngest would be shadowed by his walking and talking sibling.  I was wrong. My sweet infant has learned a special shriek cry just to get my attention.


 5. You will get to nap. I promise. My oldest had given up naps when I was pregnant. A month after baby came he started napping again. During naps I find I can lay on the couch with baby and get a few minutes rest as well.


6. Your house will never look good. Ever. Unless you forego the above mentioned nap which would be foolish. Your house will still be there when the kids are older. And as anyone with a preschooler can attest it will not stay clean for more than 1.2478 seconds once your oldest is awake.

7. It will take you an hour to get ready to go anywhere. After you have dressed both kids, packed the diaper bag, changed diapers, and made sure everyone has gone potty you will be ready.



8. You will forget all of the tough times of raising a newborn that you went through with your first. With your second at least you have the knowledge that you survived it once and forgot, and you will survive and forget this time again. Some people may forget so well they make the choice to have a third or more child.  


9. You will be late 95% of the time. Once you finally get out of the door you will have realized you forget at least three crucial items between two kids. Whether it’s a change of clothes for the older child, a bottle for the second, or your phone you will have to turn around every time.


 10. People will forgive you for your tardiness, disheveled appearance, and many other things because they know how much hard work goes into having two kids.

Bonus: You will love baby two as much as baby one. It may be a different kind of love but it will be just as strong.

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