Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Challenge Day 19: your Biggest Regret in Life

Everything happens for a reason and I know that if I hadn't taken the steps I have in my life I would not be where I am in my life today and I love my life. I love my husband and my babies. I love my job. I mostly like how I look. I love my pups and cats and chickens. My biggest regret is that I didn't pursue vet school. I chose not to after finding out I was pregnant. I tell myself that one day I can return if I want and I really could but do I want to? I'm not sure. I am content like I said where I am in life. I would make more money if I was a vet but I would also work longer hours and deal with pet owners in the worst of times. I would miss my babies growing up and wouldn't get summers and Christmas vacation.

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